Mozambique Workshop
Mozambique Workshop
Energy and Development in Mozambique: Opportunities and Challenges
Hotel VIP Grande, Maputo, Mozambique, March 19th 2015
Hosted by Durham University and Eduardo Mondlane University
There are a number of important challenges that Mozambique currently faces including the need to increase access to energy services, the need to develop and decentralise energy infrastructures, the need to ensure that energy services are affordable and sustainable and the need to respond to climate change. There are also a variety of opportunities currently opening up for Mozambique including those presented by the natural resource discoveries (coal and gas in particular) and the increasing number of partnerships Mozambique has forged with ‘emerging economies’ or ‘rising powers’ like China, India and Brazil.
At this one-day workshop, we will present the findings from our research project entitled The Rising Powers, Clean Development and the Low Carbon Transition in Southern Africa, led by Durham University and the University of Sussex in the UK, together with presentations from a number of researchers with expertise on energy issues and the role of the ‘rising powers’ in Mozambique.
The workshop will consider these different opportunities and challenges and will provide a space for fostering dialogue between the research, practice and policy communities concerned with issues of energy and development in Mozambique. It will consider what, if any, role there might be for ‘rising powers’ like China, India and Brazil (and other emerging economies like South Korea) in helping Mozambique to address these energy challenges and in enabling the transition to low carbon energy technologies and pathways to development.
Workshop Programme
9.00 – 9.30 Arrival, registration and coffee
9.30 – 11.00 The Rising Powers and Clean Development in Mozambique
Chair: Inês Raimundo (Universidade de Eduardo Mondlane)
Energy transitions and Low Carbon Development in Mozambique, Marcus Power, Durham University (20 minutes)
Mozambique’s Multifaceted Energy Access Challenge, Joshua Kirshner, University of York (20 minutes)
The impacts and sustainability of small-scale clean energy projects in Mozambique, Lasten Mika, Practical Action (20 minutes)
Film by Practical Action on Participatory Research in Central Mozambique
Discussion (20 minutes)
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee/Tea
11.30 – 13.00 Energy Transitions and Renewable Energies in Mozambique
Chair: Joshua Kirshner, Durham University
Mozambique’s Renewable Energy Atlas: Investment Opportunities, Miquelina Menezes, FUNAE (20 minutes)
The Associação de Energias Renovaveis (AER): The role of the Renewable Energy Association in Mozambique’, Ricardo Pereira, Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Mozambique (20 minutes)
Opportunities and challenges around creating a market for improved cook-stoves – The EnDev Programme in Mozambique, D’Bora Carvalho, SNV Mozambique (20 minutes)
Discussion (30 minutes)
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
1400 – 1530 The Rising Powers, South-South co-operation and Mozambique
Chair: Marcus Power, Durham University
Civil Society’s Political Control over Brazil and Japan’s Economic Cooperation in Mozambique: More than a Mere Whim? Sergio Chichava, Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE) (20 minutes)
The Interests of Chinese Organizational Cultures: Extending a Weberian View? João Feijó, Observatório do Meio Rural (20 minutes)
Mozambique: Energy for Whom and for What? Moçambique: Energia para quem e para quê?, Daniel Ribeiro, Justiça Ambiental (20 minutes)
Discussion (30 minutes)
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee/Tea
Workshop closes